Almidón de Maiz (Cornstarch in English) is known here in Argentina as Maizena. If you ask for Almidón de Maiz, it is possible they won´t even know what you are talking about. There seems to only be one brand that I am aware of and in the supermercados they keep it on the shelf with the cereals. Sometimes you will also find Maizena in the Farmacia.
In Italian too it's called maizena...look what it does =)
I swear that's not a fake, we had a science festival in Genoa (Italy) last month and we too had the "maizena "experiment!! It's crazy...lol
That is totally crazy!
many small places specialising in cereals and things will have felicula de maiz or something similar - that is cornflour as we say in English (cornstarch is American jaja)
You can still find Maizena in the supermercados and the "chinos", but usually it is in the cereal section, not the flour or baking section.
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