Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Peanut Sauce

My Peanut Sauce isn´t an exact science. Plop all the ingredients into a small pan on low flame. But stir in the water until you get the consistency you want. Voila Peanut Sauce. Excellent to top Cold Vietnamese Salads, Spring Rolls or whatever you fancy really. Mr.Tango will use it like regular peanut butter on bread.


* 125 g pasta de mani-peanut butter
* 15 ml azucar-sugar
* 10 ml pasta de ajies picantes-chili paste
or aji-chili
* shake in some vinegre de arroz-rice vinegar
* agua-water
* sprinkle of sal-salt
* shake in some salsa de soja-soya sauce
* bit of grated ginimbre-ginger
* fresh ajo-garlic or dehydrated garlic...whatever


Mix together ingredients in saucepan on low. Add water until you get desired consistancy of sauce. That´s it, that´s all!

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